
Phantom | Short Story | Uncredited Bloggers

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It's a house in Ponnamalle with a hall, kitchen, and double bedroom with an attached bathroom. In the hall blood is flowing, Karthik holds the hammer and the hammer drains the blood and He slowly comes and sits in a chair. It's around 6.30 pm A Soulful Song is played in the background. Karthik hears the song and slowly enjoys the minute, finally, he slept on the sofa.

Its 12.30 am When Karthik gets up in shock and goes to the kitchen saw that Rishi is dead. Karthik cried loudly and he wants to hide it from there. And also he hears some weird voice that tells him (You have to bury rishi otherwise you will in the jail) 5 Nights hearing the same sentence from the voice. And the blood smells harder. He cleans each and everything and destroys the evidence of rishi murder. And he picked up the rishi's body and get out from home and notice no one sees him then he picked up him and move towards some strange area by walking.

Karthik Pick up rishi in his shoulder and take him to the strange area which it doesn't find by anyone. On the other side, Prabhu is in the balcony in a call and he saw Karthik and he feels something fishy.

His doubts increase so he wants clarification and finds out the problem happened in Karthik's house so he jumped to Karthik's house.

Karthik finds the place to bury rishi and he starts to dig the ground. In a Level, he stops his actions and removes everything from rishi and bury him.

He smells something odd and it is like blood smell. He follows the smell it leads to the kitchen there are some blood drops with fade. And he tries to find out the exact scenario he went to the hall there is a tablet box broken and the tablets are fell in the ground. In that table, he finds the File papers

Rishi enters the house with severe head pain and holds his hand in the back of his head there is some blood. Rishi saw Prabhu and the right of Prabhu, he saw Karthik. And rishi wants to revenge him first and then only he will be free (he thinks like this). Karthik with a hammer sees Prabhu and Rishi. Prabhu watches the only rishi and keeps telling him please be silent. Karthik listens to Prabhu's word silently rishi takes a rod and rapidly attack Karthik but the rod hits Prabhu forcibly. Prabhu fell and he holds some files that fly in the air. In that files one of the paper fells slowly to the face of Prabhu in that paper shows that

Rishi is a Hallucinated patient.

The End………!

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